Tennis Training Equipment - Must Have Items
Nov 27, 2015
Tennis is an extremely complex sport. Physically, you need to be able to run fast, change direction on a dime, jump multiple times, be strong, have optimal endurance, and be able to react quickly to the ball.
Resistance bands are the most functional, transportable, and reliable piece of tennis equipment for players of any level as you work towards those objectives.
We think so highly of tennis resistance bands that we’ve designed programs using them. We use them regularly with all players of all standards – ranging from juniors to our most seasoned professionals. They provide everything we need to get players fitter, stronger, and more dynamic on the court.
Tennis Training Equipment
Here are three reasons why resistance bands are must-have tennis training equipment.
1. Specificity – The bands can be used on the court to perform movements that are specific for tennis. They can also be used for multi-purpose tennis exercises, including rotational patterns.
2. Transportable – You can take them anywhere you’re traveling, including overseas. Weighing less than a kilogram, you hardly know they are there.
3. Multifunctional – These bands can cover the majority of areas players need to address in their training, including strength, core, power, speed, and agility. Check out some of the tennis exercises you can do using this very simple tennis equipment.
By trying the following program, you'll see how they can make a difference.
NOTE: For all drills, complete three sets consisting of 20 seconds work followed by 20 seconds of rest.
Split Jumps
- This exercise is a great way to dynamically warm-up and strengthen/ stabilize the hip joint by challenging the gluteal muscles.
- Place ankle straps on and stand in a split step position. Keeping your knees bent and feet pointing straight ahead.
- Take continuous small split-step jumps in and out.
- Focus on landing with your knees slightly bent and hold a good athletic posture throughout the exercise.
Circle fast feet
- This drill will help improve tennis foot speed and coordination.
- Make a circle out of the one band by linking the clips together. Start by standing inside the circle. Step one leg outside the circle, then the other leg. Then step back inside the circle.
- The steps between the circle must be high speed, with minimal contact to the ground.
- Focus on quick lateral steps, holding good posture.
Lateral figure 8
- This drill will help improve multi-directional movement and lateral change of direction.
- Place two bands 30–50 cm apart. Start by standing with one of the ends of the bands at your side. Move laterally and when you get to the end of the band, change lateral direction and move between the two bands in a lateral diagonal figure-eight motion.
- Focus on getting as many repetitions as possible. Concentrate on fast small controlled steps into the change of direction and bigger stronger steps coming out.
- This strength exercise will help improve lower body strength, leg drive plus ankle, knee, and hip stability.
- Start by placing the front foot on the band, holding the handles in both hands at shoulder height, close to the body.
- From here, step the back leg backward and stay on the toes (heel off the ground) then drop the back knee directly down towards the ground. Push evenly through the front foot to come back up again.
- Focus on good knee alignment and control. Keep the back straight through all movement. Maintain a good central position. Stay straight without leaning forward.
- Focus on quick lateral steps, holding good posture.
3 Point lateral bounds
- This power exercise will help develop better lateral leg drive and push-off, which is important for the change of direction and lateral first step. It also helps to develop strength/functional stability through the hip complex.
- Start by standing on the side, take the load through your inside leg, bend the knee and get down low and drive out laterally, as far as the movement can be controlled (holding good posture) land on the outside foot. Use three points as landing points (forward diagonal, side, and backward diagonal).
- Focus on good knee alignment and pushing evenly through the inside leg. When landing, aim to stay as still as possible and absorb the lateral force by staying strong through the core and bending the knees. Work through the three points starting with the forward diagonal, side and backward diagonal
Crunch rotation
- This core exercise will help develop rotational strength, which is important for loading, control, and stability through hitting.
- Start by sitting at 45 degrees, with the band fixed (shoulder height) to the side. Move out to get adequate resistance. Leaning back and engaging the core, lift your arms up to shoulder height, from this position rotate the upper body by using the core. Rotate as far as comfortable and return to the center.
- Focus on keeping your back straight and head in a neutral position. The core should be drawn in and stay focused on using the core muscles, rather than pulling with the arms (this is key).
For more tennis training equipment check out our shop
If you want to get more out of yourself and improve your tennis fitness check out our online programs here –